Water Libation Ritual “Breath of Fire”. 21-12-21 Solstice Ceremony.
Water libation ritual on the night of the winter solstice celebration “Breath of Fire” curated by Margarida Mendes at The Plot AADK Portugal. December 21st, 2021.
Libation rituals and ceremonies are probably one of the ancient offerings practiced to honor Water by our ancestry in the Iberian Peninsula, also common along with different cultures and religions worldwide.
We acknowledge the sacredness of these flames igniting the magical powers of the honey bees in each breath of fire. Through geomantic exercise and invocations, each flame mirrors an acupuncture point on earth and sky, star-forming geomantic figures, and/or constellations that unites earth and cosmic sky in this communion and within the hearts of the people.
We acknowledge the sacredness of the wells and their undercurrents, a place to interweave the physical and the spiritual world. We acknowledge the sacredness of the rain and mist as the purest form of water and its healing magical properties. We acknowledge the sacredness of the ocean and honor and respect all kinds of living forms and aquatic entities that guide us through birth, death, and rebirth. We acknowledge the water of the rivers that brings life to all that we are and know and make heaven on earth, a paradise. We are in gratitude to nettle, Lavanda, lady’s mantle, and dragon blood for their sacred alliance for this water libation ritual.
We acknowledge each of the stones here as each is one of our archaic ancestors, we are full of gratitude to receive their messages through the sound of our flesh. Collectively weaving the voices of the signing minerals, resonating through our bodies and sonic energy expanding into the cosmos.