“Cualquier pueblo que no conozca su historia está condenado a repetirla”. Ruiz de Santayana

Listening to waters, whispers on the loss of the eastern mountains, the powerful legacy of the spirits here, agitated, intertwined in human relationships. The exodus of Jews, moors, Iberians and Celts, centuries of horrific displacement, killing, land stealing, and ethnic cleasing.
The rape of Florinda La Cava by a sinister visigothic king, the cause for Islamic troops to enter Iberia, free people from the oppression by Visigoths. Many, originated from Iberian and Celtic descent, accepted sufism as philosophy after many centuries of coexistence.
An ancient lament from within the marrow, the deepest wound -the land of Canaan. This collective cry may have originated from the religious reforms of Akhenaton in ancient Egypt to the brutal occupation and suffering in present-day Palestine. A wound that may originated in the city of Ur. A lamentation , invocation for divine protection, within the very own human body. In internal fluids, Ur whispers peace over war.
I feel deeply for Palestinian and their resilience, their ability to survive in the most atrocious and chaotic situations. Obscure solidarities where help never reaches the most vulnerable. Freedom and dignity for Palestine mean liberation and dignity of all. I dream of a rebellion to disarm and stop the dark oppressive imperial, patriarchal, and colonial forces.

2.Florinda (1853) by Franz Xaver Winterhalter
5. La expulsión de los moriscos (1894), de Gabriel Puig Roda.