2,2 O – Sonic Architecture of the Inner Space

Interactive spacial sound composition in dark space

Durational performance

Film & Mix media

Head Cast

Norway 2018

“Stretched forth the Shell towards me, with command. That I should hold it to my ear. I did so, And heard that instant in an unknown Tongue,Which yet I understood, articulate sounds, A loud prophetic blast of harmony; An Ode, in passion, uttered, which foretold Destruction of the Children of the Earth By deluge now at hand.”

(Wordsworth, 1850 ,5.88–98)

( 2,2 ) 0 – Sonic Architecture of the Inner Space is a mix of media installation. The central piece is an interactive spatial sound composition in a completely black space, accompanied by a two-channel film installation and a durational performance that takes place in a waiting room outside the sound composition.

(2,2) 0 is a proposal for a cinematic space where the visual external stimulus is removed. An interactive installation that utilizes real-time rendered binaural sound systems.

Taking the structure of a (2,2) mode shamanic drum as a reference we have built an invisible architecture that through wireless headphones is experienced sonically inside a completely dark space.

Map of ( 2,2 ) 0 is showing the invisible sonic architecture with graphic spatial visualization of a composition of sonic qualities and motion.

The sound architecture is structured around 4 rooms representing the cardinal directions East, North, South, West, and they are separated by an invisible “sound wall”. Each room has specific sound qualities made from movements, and motions of sound events and sound objects. The aural experience is limited to one person at an unlimited given time. Thus the duration of the sound composition depends on visitors’ movements within time and space. The main methodology in the creative processes is developed through ritualistic ceremonies and gestures through collective meditation journey sessions with a shamanic drum.

Binaural soundscape. South Room ( use of headphones)

On the right side of this page is a diagram and map that depicts the spatial sound composition. You can listen to the four different rooms by clicking on them. For best experience use headphones and close your eyes.

For more information about this project you can visit the platform www.invisibledrum.com -> Projects or go to ( 2,2 ) 0 teaser here on Vimeo!